Emergency and Urgent
IMPORTANT: The switch to Eyecare Electronic Referral System [EeRS] is now completed
You should no-longer be sending any referrals by letter, via the GP or fax – all fax machines have been switched off.
For patients requiring emergency (same day) assessment or urgent care within one week, there is a casualty unit at BMEC which serves the whole of Birmingham, Solihull and the surrounding areas.
Referrals to eye casualty should be made by accessing the triage form on EeRS and following the instructions
Casualty is open:
Monday to Saturday 09.00 until 19.00
Sunday and bank holidays 09.00 until 18.00.
Outside these hours patients should attend their local hospital casualty department.
If EeRS is not available
Telephone No: 0121 507 4440 between 08.00 and 16.00
You should give the patient a short written referral letter for them to present on arrival in the eye casualty department.
NB If referring to Emergency or Urgent Care via Opera following a CUES assessment you still need to complete the triage form on EeRS. Please exit Opera choosing the referral outside of Opera option and complete the referral in EeRS you can upload the referral letter from Opera into EeRS
Wet AMD is not an emergency but should be referred, on the same day that you see and diagnose the patient, to a dedicated FAST TRACK Wet AMD clinic, where they should be seen within two weeks of referral.
You should complete the dedicated form for the chosen provider on EeRS
All UHB FT and SWB FT hospitals have a Wet AMD clinic to which referrals can be sent. In addition the following Independent Service providers can also accept referrals for patients of BSol GPs
Modality, Newmedica, SpaMedica
The following information is provided for use if EeRS is unavailable and the business continuity plan is operational
BMEC / Sandwell
Complete your GOS18 or other referral letter/form, attach to an nhs,net email and email to: swbh.team-eyereferrals-fasttrackamd@nhs.net
UHB Queen Elizabeth
An editable pdf referral form to be used for wet AMD referrals to UHB hospitals can be accessed using the following link. You can download this form onto your desktop for use when appropriate.
The form should be completed, attached to an nhs.net email and sent to:
Email to: wetarmd@uhb.nhs.uk
UHB / Birmingham Heartlands / Good Hope / Solihull Hospitals
Email to uhb-tr.wetarmdhgs@nhs.net
Complete GOS18 and send, marking clearly that the referral is Fast Track Wet AMD to: spamedica.referrals@nhs.net
Complete GOS18 and send, marking clearly that the referral is Fast Track Wet AMD to: nhsbsolicb.modalityophthreferrals@nhs.net
Complete GOS18 and send, marking clearly that the referral is Fast Track Wet AMD to: newmedica.referrals@nhs.net
Page updated 06/01/2025