

Buckinghamshire LOC Latest News


OFNC WELCOMES NEW POLICIES ON OPTOMETRIST PERFORMER LISTING IN ENGLAND NHS England and Improvement has developed a new policy for managing performer list applications for GPs, dentists, optometrists and OMPs in England, which came into effect on 11 February 2022. Other aspects of the performers list policy remain as previously within the Framework for Managing …

28 March 2022

GOS 4 Pre-Authorisation

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has published a short guide, HERE, on GOS 4 pre-authorisation requests to repair or replace a patient’s glasses in England. It covers how to check if your patient qualifies and how to get pre-authorisation.

20 March 2022

Increase to GOS sight test fees, Voucher values and CET grants

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has said it will increase GOS sight test fees in England by 2% from April 2022. This follows a 1.9% increase in April 2021. The DHSC has also laid regulations which will increase NHS optical voucher values by 2% from April 2022. The relevant regulation, which includes the new values, can be …

14 March 2022

The AOP responds to the Government’s Living with Covid strategy in England

As the Government’s Living with Covid strategy for England came  into force on  24 February, Adam Sampson, Chief Executive of the Association of Optometrists said: “Two years on from the start of the pandemic, we all have to find a way to navigate the realities of living with COVID. As a key part of primary care …

6 March 2022

Annual GOS Complaints Submission – Final Reminder

The 2019/20 GOS complaints submission which was paused due to Covid-19, will reopen on Monday 7 February 2022 until Sunday 27 February 2022 for a final window. This is to give GOS contractors who have not yet submitted a response a final opportunity to do so. GOS contractors will be able to submit for both the 2019/2020 and 2020/21 …

18 February 2022

New Guidance on Self-Isolation

New Guidance on Self-Isolation The College of Optometrists have issued a statement advising that the cut to the isolation period for people who test positive for COVID-19, which is now five full days, will apply in primary care settings – Further details can be found  HERE.

9 February 2022

Everything you need to know about getting your CPD points

Continuing professional development (CPD) is a statutory requirement for all fully qualified optometrists, dispensing opticians and contact lens opticians. All full registrants must earn a minimum number of CPD points by the end of each cycle to stay on the registers. The previous CET scheme went through a significant overhaul before being relaunched as a …

25 January 2022

End of CET Period and GOC Christmas Hours

The current CET period ends at midnight on 31st December 2021. You are reminded that you will need to accept any outstanding points by then. This is the final year of this 3 year cycle, the new cycle will become Continuing Professional Development  (CPD) in 2022. You can can still do CET for this period IF the provider can upload the points …

16 December 2021

GOC publishes new Speaking Up guidance for registrants

The GOC has published new guidance to help registrants in situations where they need to consider the professional requirement to speak up when patient or public safety may be at risk. It covers all concerns such as when something has been observed that appears seriously wrong or is not in accordance with the accepted standards …

7 November 2021

Afghan evacuees

We understand that our region has welcomed several Afghan evacuees. Following their initial isolation period, you may be contacted by those seeking eyecare. Read the full advice for primary care here. Afghan relocation and resettlement schemes – additional guidance for optometry practices Individuals and families arriving into the UK under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance …

10 October 2021

LOCSU Latest News

GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face.

1 July 2024

LOCSU Hosts Popular Time Management Bitesize Training Course

This month, LOCSU hosted two ‘Time Mastery: Seeing Clearly Through Efficient Time Management’ training sessions, as part of our series of bitesize training sessions.

28 June 2024

Join the LOCSU Comms Network!

Are you the comms lead for your LOC? Do you want to meet like-minded colleagues to share ideas and challenges with?

24 June 2024

LOCSU’s Inaugural Chair Conference is a Great Success

This month, over 50 attendees joined LOCSU’s inaugural chairs conference in London.

21 June 2024

Learn about upcoming committee meetings and CET events

Learn about upcoming committee meetings and CET events

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