
Patients with Learning Disabilities

Seeability holds a register of practices who have indicated that they are happy to see patients with learning disabilities. To search for a practice or to register your practice, follow this link:

Additionally , here is a list of local practices that have advised us they are happy to see patients with special needs.

The College of Optometrists have produce a useful document –  Guidance on Examining patients with learning disabilities.

Seeability also has lots of useful resources for patients and professionals.
Additionally, they are always happy to provide advice by phone or email:


Members of the Deaf Community

NHS England – East of England has commissioned two services to support deaf people in accessing pharmacies, dental and optometry services in the East of England. (These services are only available in the Milton Keynes part of our area.)

  1. DA Languages provide a service which supports members of the deaf community in arranging appointments for their primary care needs Service available from 19 July 2021.
  2. DA languages provides interpreting, transcription and translating services in non-spoken languages (eg BSL) Award Winning Translation Agency | DA Languages. Service available from 1 November 2021.


Patients with Dementia

The College of Optometrists guidance on Examining patients with dementia or other acquired cognitive impairment is a useful resource for practitioners.


Patients whose first language is not English

NHS England – East of England has commissioned a service to support people, who do not have English as a first language, in accessing pharmacies, dental and optometry services in the East of England. (This service is only available in the Milton Keynes part of our area.)

Language Empire provides interpreting, transcription and translating services in over 500 spoken languages Service available from 1 November 2021.

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