
ICB Member Practices


On 1st July 2022, the establishment of integrated care boards (ICBs) resulted in clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) being closed down.

In line with the government’s plans to integrate health and social care, Buckinghamshire CCG has become part of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire & Berkshire West ICB, known as “BOB” ICB. Milton Keynes CCG is now part of Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes ICB, known as “BLMK” ICB.

When referring, you may need to check which ICB your patient’s GP belongs to. The following links should provide the most up-to-date information:

MK (BLMK ICB)  member practices

Bucks (BOB ICB) member practices

Note that practices in Thame and Chinnor can be confusing, as these are geographically in Oxfordshire, but some fall into Buckinghamshire. At the time of writing this bit (Dec 2024), the Unity Health practices in Thame and Chinnor are part of Bucks , and Rycote practice in Thame is part of Oxfordshire.

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