
Data Protection – DSPT


Most extended primary eyecare services (EPECs) in England, such as MECS, CUES, cataract referrals and AMD schemes are based on the ‘NHS standard contract’, and contractors who participate in EPECs, including subcontractors to Primary Eyecare Companies (PECs), must complete the full optical Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) checklist in QiO. The DSPT is also a requirement for using the Electronic Eyecare Referral System (EeRS) and to access NHSmail.

From 1 July 2021, all optometry contractors applying for an NHS mail account are required to have a Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) rating of ‘Standards Met’ or ‘Standards Exceeded’. Contractors have a full 12 months in which to complete the toolkit. Deadline for completing the 2022-23 DSPT is 30 June 2023.  For a summary of information and sources of support  see this flyer

The DSPT can also be completed via and a help video is available on

Please visit the DSPT registration page for further information.


Where else can I get help when completing the DSPT?

Help is available in a number of ways from NHS Digital.

Primary Eyecare Services has produced a tutorial video on completing the DSPT.


For further information and guidance go to the QiO website or contact LOCSU via


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