
GOS Matters

Please also see the separate sub-sections for: PCSENHSBSAMaking accurate claimsElectronic GOS18.

GOS contract management functions have moved to integrated care boards from April 2022.   More detailed information  here.

NHS England

In the latest restructure the NHS is divided into seven Regional Teams:

Bucks (excluding MK) falls within NHS England – South East.

Regional team contact details for Bucks:

Optometry Team, NHS England South East, Jubilee House, 5510 John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford OX4 2LH.

Optometric adviser: Ruby Hashim

Here are more specific contact details for NHSE –  SE, issued in January 2021.


Milton Keynes falls within NHS England – East of England.

Regional team contact details for MK:

Optometry Team, NHS England East, Charter House, Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6JL.

Optometric adviser: Rupal Lovell-Patel 


Please don’t include any patient details in an email or attachment, unless you are sending it from another address. Details on how to get one are available here.


When contacting NHS England, please bear in mind the following:

It would help them to assist you if you could supply the following information with your enquiry:
•         If you are a GOS contractor, please provide your full name, contract number, company / sole trader / partnership name(s) with practice trading name and full practice address.
•         If you wish to apply for a new contract, please indicate what type of contract you wish to apply for by adding the following information:
Mandatory or Additional / Individual/partnership or body corporate

Finding your ODS code

An ODS code (also called an Organisation code) is a unique code created by the Organisation Data Service within NHS Digital, and used to identify organisations across health and social care. You can search for your organisation’s code on the ODS portal.



The following functions are undertaken by Primary Care Support England (PCSE)
•         National Performers List Applications and queries
•         CPD claims, GOS payments, Online Portal / Stationery Ordering
•         Domiciliary notifications
There is more information in our PCSE section.



The following functions are undertaken in Bucks and MK by NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA):

  • Annual GOS complaints
  • Adult GOS4 pre-authorisation
  • GOS post payment verification (PPV)
  • NHS mail applications
  • GOS contract applications / variations / terminations

Visit the NHSBSA website for more information. Contact NHSBSA at


Quality in Optometry

GOS contractors may need to access the Quality in Optometry (QiO) website for clinical governance toolkits.

Primary Eyecare Services has produced a tutorial video on using QiO for the standard NHS contract. (This is the one that applies to extended eyecare services, such as CUES.)


Record keeping and complaints

In January 2021 NHS England – South East optometric advisers produced tips on record keeping.

In May 2019 NHS England issued advice on record-keeping for GOS contractors.

In April 2019 the Optical Confederation produced updated advice on the NHS complaints system, including template forms.



To check current eligibility for NHS sight tests and vouchers go to the NHS website. You can also call the Help with Health Costs helpline on 0300 330 1343 to receive advice on all aspects of entitlement.



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