Thursday 27th March Mr Philip Alexander – Disorders of the Vitreomacular Interface.
Philip Alexander, MA (Cantab) MBBS MBA DM FRCOphth, Consultant Ophthalmic and Vitreoretinal Surgeon will be presenting a lecture on Disorders of the Vitreomacula Interface. A CPD point is available.
Arrival 6:15pm
Food 6:30pm
Presentation 7pm
Finish around 8pm (May over run with questions)
Please let me know if you are planning to attend as space is limited. I will also need any dietary requirements
Thursday 5th June Mr Simon Woodruff – Functional and Aesthetic Eyelid surgery – a guide for primary care
Thursday 18th September Mr Liam Sullivan – Fluid at the macular and related OCT
October Ms Shahid date and subject tbc however I imagine it will be Glaucoma related.
November OCCS 3point peer review. Date tbc
All the above will be delivered face to face following a buffet. Location and timings will be confirmed but will probably at The Spire Hospital Impington with the exception of the OCCS event. Lectures probably starting at 7pm with food served from 6.30.
Don’t forget the Addenbrookes cataract accreditation event on Thursday 10th April. I’m sure that there will be details sent out for this nearer the time.
Kind Regards
LOC Events Officer
John Kidd on: