LOC Vacancies
The next AGM is being held on the Tuesday 14th May 2024
There is a vacancy on the Coventry and Warwickshire LOC for an Optometrist or Dispensing Optician.
The role is to become a member of the Local Optical Committee where we discuss local and national guideline protocols and how we can implement them.
We hold 6 evening meetings a year and you may be asked to attend other functions representing our LOC.
If you are interested please can you answer the following:
1. Where do you work?
2. What would you bring to the LOC?
3. What changes would you like to see in our area?
We will then collate your answers, build a short profile and our members can then vote for who should be on the committee.
Please contact Dilesh Makwana if you would like to apply at dilesh@eyesiteopt.co.uk