

Derbyshire LOC Latest News

Referral Pathways Updated

The referral pathways have been moved to the public facing part of the website. If you need phone numbers or emails then these are only available in the member’s area. Please apply on the automatic service if you are not yet a member.

18 January 2022

AbilityNet- Resource for Visually Impaired

If you have Visually Impaired Patient struggling with IT issues AbilityNet supports anyone living with any disability or impairment to use technology to achieve their goals at home, at work and in education. This is a resource available but is not endorsed by the LOC. Their services include: Digital Accessibility Services Their accessibility consultants and …

29 November 2021

Clinical Update Nov 2021

The new End to end cataract pathway launch has been postponed. There are still a few loose ends to tie up in the background, but I guess on the plus side, it gives us more time to get ready and get all practices signed up and ready to go on OPERA. If you still need codes for WOPEC …

29 November 2021

Glasses for Classes

This is a scheme to promote spectacle wear. It is rolling out the scheme in Derby City only. If you work in a practice  that has a postcode DE1 ,DE21,DE22,DE23, DE24,DE3, this is for you. The information below is not relevant if you do NOT work in a practice in one of the above postcodes. …

20 October 2021

Learn to Read Poster

The LOC have received a request to promote this scheme and are keen to support it. Please could Opticians in the Derby City  and Amber Valley use the promotional material to advertise and promote this very valuable project? Learning To Read with RE Poster – Amber Valley Read Easy overview

20 October 2021

Flu Vaccinations 2021

  This is a reminder that all frontline ( ie public facing staff working in Optical practices) are entitled to a free flu vaccination for this flu season. ( Autumn 2021) The details are in the link below:- Please let all your  Optometrists, colleagues, Dispensing Opticians, receptionists, Optical advisors, pre screeners, locums and Contact …

20 October 2021

Resignation of an LOC member

Longstanding member of the committee, Elizabeth Northall has resigned due to other commitments. The Committee would like to thank her for all her work over the years.

20 September 2021

Advice on NHS mail accounts and Information Governance from LOCSU

  If you have an NHS mail account …, then here is the latest guidance on information governance for the account. NHSmail and DSPT comms v9 FINAL

20 September 2021

Self Isolation Guidance from NHS England

Letter from NHS England with latest self isolation guidance: 20210916 – Guidance on self isolation letter

20 September 2021

Downloadable, Editable Electronic GOS 18 now available

Please go to our Referral Pathways Page to access this.

9 August 2021

LOCSU Latest News

GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face.

1 July 2024

LOCSU Hosts Popular Time Management Bitesize Training Course

This month, LOCSU hosted two ‘Time Mastery: Seeing Clearly Through Efficient Time Management’ training sessions, as part of our series of bitesize training sessions.

28 June 2024

Join the LOCSU Comms Network!

Are you the comms lead for your LOC? Do you want to meet like-minded colleagues to share ideas and challenges with?

24 June 2024

LOCSU’s Inaugural Chair Conference is a Great Success

This month, over 50 attendees joined LOCSU’s inaugural chairs conference in London.

21 June 2024





Follow the committee on our Facebook page for news on meetings, events and CET