Referral Pathways
Please find downloadable, editable GOS 18:
Derbyshire GOS 18 editable PDF 20.1.23
Please go to the Member’s area to read the referral pathways for North and South Derbyshire WITH NECESSARY TELEPHONE NUMBERS, EMAIL ADDRESSES AND FEES.
If a patient requires transport to get to their secondary care appointment patients can book this by calling the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service on 0300 300 3434. Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service details will be included in the referral letter from secondary care.
On contacting the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service the patient will be asked a number of eligibility questions, if a patient is eligible transport will be booked. If the patient is not eligible for non-emergency patient transport but still requires transport to their appointment the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service will sign post the patient to other options such as voluntary services and community car schemes.
Referrals to The Eye Centre at Chesterfield Royal Hospital
This Quick guide information applies to referrals for patients registered with a North Derbyshire GP. Routine referrals should be sent via Cinapsis.
If the patient chooses to be referred routinely to a hospital not on cinapsis or they are not registered with a Derbyshire GP please send via their GP unless urgent.
Use Downloadable GOS 18 form or Derbyshire wide pad where possible or the referral form on Cinapsis, please complete as much as possible and remember to include VA’s, IOP and your Provisional diagnosis.
Please make this guide available to all clinicians- Trainees, Residents and Locums.
Remember we have a MECS Scheme and IOP Refinement Scheme in the area.
1.) Emergency / Urgent Eye Care:
During Working Weekdays:
Call TRIAGE NURSE, to discuss for advice & appointment, then email referral. Open Mon- Thurs: 9.00am- 4.00pm Fri: 9.00am- 1.00pm THIS IS NOT A WALK IN SERVICE- DO NOT send the patient without discussing it first Out of hours: For anything outside the hours above, call CRH Switch board and ask for On Call Ophthalmologist. PLEASE NOTE: The patient may be sent to Chesterfield or Kings Mill Hospital, Mansfield as this is a shared service. |
2.) MECS / CUES:
Please refer patients under the MECS scheme to participating practices for:
Red eye Flashes and floaters Double vision Dry eye / Watery eye Anterior eyelid lumps and Bumps Sudden onset Field loss Sudden Onset loss of vision
See Appendix 1 for further details
3.) AMD Fast-Track:
Any findings suggestive of Wet AMD please call to discuss with the bleep holder for advice & to arrange an AMD New Patient appointment
4.) Routine Referrals:
Via Cinapsis to Community Eye Clinic, Surgery at Wheatbridge, 30 Wheatbridge Road, Chesterfield, S40 2AB.
5.) Glaucoma:
Repeat Testing / Refinement referral (high IOP or suspect glaucoma field defect):
If IOP 24mmHg or above, or visual fields suggest glaucoma, refer to an accredited Level 1 Optometrist for repeat IOP with GAT and / or repeat visual fields. See Appendix 2 for further details.
NOTE: There is also a Level 2 scheme for patients with OHT or Glaucoma Suspect who have been identified as stable and DISCHARGED from HES. See Appendix 3 for further details.
6.) Cataracts:
Direct referral, with an accompanying PCLV form. Patients MUST be dilated and benefits/risks discussed. Please check criteria for 1st and 2nd eyes before referring. The criteria and pvlc form are included on Cinapsis. See Appendix 4 for further details
Choice of Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Newmedica at Barlbrough, Spa medica or another hospital of patients choice. The same PLCV criteria applies to all providers. The list of current available hospitals is available on Cinapsis.
For CRH (Cataracts/Post-cataract PCO): Send via Cinapsis to The Eye Centre, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Calow, Chesterfield, S44 5BL.
7.) Orthoptic Referrals:
Paediatric – Refer via direct using Cinapsis unless it is urgent. If so, then see above for urgent referrals.
Adult – Please refer to Wheatbridge first via Cinapsis for further assessment, unless it is urgent. If so, then see above for urgent referrals.
8.) Oculoplastics: including Chalazions-Refer via GP unless it is urgent. If so, then see above for urgent referrals
9.) Consultant Connect (Tele-Ophthalmology):
Consultant Connect has been decommissioned.
From 28 October 2024 advice and guidance requests should be made:
Chesterfield Royal Hospital Email via NHS email.
University Hospital Derby and Burton via the EeRS system,
CRH will move to Eyecare eRS (EeRS) for advice and guidance in the coming months.
Urgent cases direct with eye casualty clinics.
10.) Sight Support
For Sight Impairment Registration and Low Vision queries – See Appendix 6. Also details available on the Low Vision page of the website.
Referrals to The Eye Department at Derby Royal
This Quick guide information applies to referrals for patients registered with a South Derbyshire GP. If the patient chooses to be referred routinely to another hospital not available on Cinapsis please send via the GP unless urgent. If the patient does not have a Derbyshire GP then referral via their GP is necessary
Use Downloadable GOS 18 form or Derbyshire wide pad where possible or the preloaded form on Cinapsis please complete as much as possible and remember to include VA’s, IOP and your Provisional diagnosis.
Please make this guide available to all clinicians- Trainees, Residents and Locums.
Remember we have a MECS Scheme and IOP Refinement Scheme in the area.
1.) Emergency / Urgent Eye Care:
CALL EYE PRIMARY CARE CLINIC during normal working hours of Mon – Fri 9 – 5pm
Out of hours, call switchboard and ask for the on call ophthalmologist
• Email your referral via NHS.NET to RDH and request a sent and read receipt
when sending an email
• A copy should be sent to the GP marking it clearly as INFORMATION ONLY.
DO NOT REFER TO GENERAL A&E or advise the Px to present there themselves.
2.) MECS / CUES:
Please refer patients under the MECS scheme to participating practices for:
Red eye Flashes and floaters Double vision Dry eye / Watery eye Anterior eyelid lumps and Bumps Sudden onset Field loss Sudden Onset loss of vision
See Appendix 1 for further details
3.) AMD Fast-Track:
If signs and symptoms are suggestive of wet AMD and vision is 6/12 to 6/96, Px must be referred urgently by Cinapsis EeRS. This should be clearly marked as urgent medical retina referral for wet amd. This will be triaged and sent to wet amd pathway.
A copy should be sent to the GP marking it clearly as INFORMATION ONLY and this will be done by cinapsis automatically.
4.) Routine Referrals:
By Cinapsis to Royal Derby . These are triaged and prioritised by Ophthalmologist.
5.) Glaucoma:
Repeat Testing / Refinement referral (high IOP or suspect glaucoma field defect):
If IOP 24mmHg or above, or visual fields suggest glaucoma, refer to an accredited Level 1 Optometrist for repeat IOP with GAT and / or repeat visual fields. See Appendix 2 for further details.
6.) Cataracts:
Direct referral using Cinapsis. the available clinics and the criteria and PLCV details are on the EeRS system. Patients MUST be dilated and benefits/risks discussed. Please check criteria for 1st and 2nd eyes before referring. See Appendix 4 for further details
Choice of Royal Derby or Spa medica or another hospital of patients choice. The same PLCV criteria applies to all providers.
7.) New Children’s Pathway
Referral pathway from Community Optometry to Orthoptics at Royal Derby Hospital for children aged 7 – 12 years with suspected amblyopia
New guidance
The incidence of untreated amblyopia in older school children appears to be increasing, with a greater number of children being referred into the HES for consideration for treatment.
Following guidance in a recent literature review (1), at RDH we are proposing to offer occlusion / atropine penalisation to a limited age group, namely children aged 7 – 12 years, with newly diagnosed anisometropic amblyopia under the conditions outlined below. We cannot endorse treating strabismic amblyopia due to the lack of evidence surrounding the assessment tools for depth of suppression and hence the risk of inducing intractable diplopia.
Suitable cases for consideration for treatment
- No detectable strabismus.
- Refractive error corrected by community optometrist and appropriate glasses worn for the refractive adaptation period of 18 weeks.
- After refractive adaptation period visual acuity levels of between 0.5 (6/19) and 0.3 (6/12) will be accepted for consideration of treatment, subject to a normal fundus and media examination. The rationale being that the child may then have a chance of achieving driving standard acuity in the amblyopic eye. For lower levels of acuity the benefits of treatment will be of less practical value.
- Occlusion dose to follow department guidelines for younger children.
Atropine may be considered as a first line treatment but will need to be reviewed at monthly intervals. - Treatment to cease at 8 weeks if there is no improvement..
Latest Orthoptic Newsletter: Summer 2023
8.) Oculoplastics: including Chalazions
Refer via GP unless it is urgent. If so, then see above for urgent referrals
9.) Consultant Connect (Tele-Ophthalmology):
Consultant Connect has been decommissioned.
From 28 October 2024 advice and guidance requests should be made:
Chesterfield Royal Hospital Email via NHS email.
University Hospital Derby and Burton via the EeRS system,
CRH will move to Eyecare eRS (EeRS) for advice and guidance in the coming months.
Urgent cases direct with eye casualty clinics.
10.) Sight Support
For Sight Impairment Registration and Low Vision queries – See Appendix 6. Also details available on the low vision webpage.
Appendix 1: Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) and
COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Services (CUES)
MECS covers patients presenting with:
- Sudden onset loss of vision including Transient loss
- Ocular pain
- Red eye
- Foreign body and emergency contact lens removal
- Dry eye / Watery eye
- Blepharitis
- Lumps and bumps in the vicinity of the eye
- Flashes/ floaters
- Trichiasis
- Sudden onset field defect
If your Practice is not accredited or registered to see MECS patients please refer to one that is.
- In instances where the symptoms require urgent attention the MECS practitioner is expected to see the patient within 24 hours of contacting the service
- For symptoms which are non-urgent the MECS practioner is expected to see the patient within 5 days of contacting the service. You can arrange a follow up if it is clinically necessary, no fee paid for follow ups
Update outcome on OPERA . Outcomes will usually be:
- Advice, follow up or signpost to pharmacy.
- Carry out minor procedure such as eyelash removal, foreign body removal
- Referral required done via OPERA will go to appropriate medical practitioner- GP or HES.
- Recommend an NHS or Private sight test.
NOTE: This in only for patients with a DERBY CITY or DERBYSHIRE GP.
NO age limit on patients. Is available for children and adults. Patients should be made aware that for future GOS sight tests they should return to their usual Optometrist. Link:
Accredited practice may claim from PCT: The accredited practice can claim automatically on the Opera system. No extra is paid for follow ups these are included in the fee.
To become accredited WOPEC MECS module needs to completed. Contact LOC for further details
Appendix 2: Intraocular Pressure (IOP) and Glaucomatous Visual Fields Repeat Readings / Referral Refinement – LEVEL 1 Assessments
At initial eye examination if a patient is seen with either IOP’s above NICE guidelines, currently 24mmHg or above OR has a suspicious glaucomatous visual field defect in either eye but no other suspect findings refer to a LEVEL 1 accredited Optometrist to be seen within 2 weeks for repeat measures using applanation tonometry and/or reliable central visual field using standard automated perimetry (full or supra threshold).
At initial eye examination other suspect findings such as disc changes or narrow angles refer according to normal guidelines of routine or urgent.
If a LEVEL 1 Optometrist is refining own patient as accredited Optometrist:
- Repeat readings are only required on the initial suspicious factors Only, i.e. IOP only, Visual Field only, or both.
- If discs are suspicious, refer as normal. Patients with suspicious discs are not included in the Level 1 repeat readings pathway – include Goldmann IOP (GAT) and Visual Field test results
- Check IOP using GOLDMANN (or Perkins if indicated) OR
- Examine and record the central visual fields where appropriate using standard automated perimetry (full threshold or supra-threshold). Confirm test reliability for each test and each eye.
- Repeat visual fields must be conducted on another day.
- NOTE: IOP repeat readings is a TWO repeat pathway – this means that the IOP must be above NICE threshold on 2 occasions for referral to be indicated based on IOP alone
If a LEVEL 1 Optometrist receiving a referral from another optometrist:
- Check IOP using GOLDMANN or if indicated Perkins AND
- Examine and record the central visual fields where appropriate using standard automated perimetry (full threshold or supra-threshold). AND
- Examine the optic disc using stereoscopic slit lamp biomicroscopy and anterior chamber angles for signs of glaucoma and conditions associated with glaucoma
Visual field should be repeated on a separate day to when initially checked as part of the routine eye examination. First IOP repeat can be conducted on the same day as the routine eye examination, but if this first repeat is above threshold, IOP must then be repeated on another day (within 2 weeks).
NOTE: Only Goldmann, or, if indicated, Perkins, readings accepted, not NCT, or ICare. If GAT is not available at your practice please refer to another practice with GAT.
Guide on Outcome following Level 1 accredited Optometrist appointment:
- If IOP by Goldmann is 24-30mmHg on two occasions, the patient should be referred routinely DIRECTLY to CRH – via post or email.
- If IOP is 31mmHg or greater, the patient should be referred URGENTLY
- If there are signs of Acute Angle Closure – please contact relevant HES directly for further advice.
- If a Visual field defect is found consistently, the patient should be referred.
- If the repeated visual field is a normal, but the patient is in an at risk group, see them again in 12/12
- If IOP’s/Visual Fields are within normal range advise patient to see their own regular Optometrist when next eye examination due. At risk groups advise annual eye examination.
The Referral to the hospital from the Optometrist should include:
- GOS REFERRAL LETTER and Visual Field plots and IOP measurements with GAT.
The ACREDITTED practice will be paid (via OPERA in North and direct from CCG in South):
- Goldman tonometry: First repeat and Second repeat
- Visual field assessment, standard automated perimetry.
To become Accredited WOPEC Glaucoma module lectures need to be completed. Contact LOC for further details.
Appendix 3 – HES Discharge Pathway for Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma Suspect Monitoring – LEVEL 2 Assessments
How does it work?
- Level 2 Optometrists must be accredited and registered with the GOC for at least 12 months.
- When a patient with confirmed diagnosis of OHT or Glaucoma Suspect that is stable, whether on treatment or not, are discharged from HES, they are referred to a Level 2 Optometrist.
- HES gives the patient a discharge letter, sends a referral letter (currently a hard copy, but this may be electronic in the future) to the Level 2 Optom Practice of Patient’s choosing, which details of reason and findings and discussions at time of discharge AND criteria for re-referral back to HES.
- On receipt of the referral, the Practice will invite the patient in for their own baseline measurements and then yearly checks for at least 3 years, in line with NICE guidelines.
Accredited Level 2 Optometrist should carry out:
- Goldmann Applination tonometry
- Suprathreshold perimetry [Note: Threshold VF test, e.g SITA Fast or equivalent, is preferred where possible]
- Van Hericks
- Dilated slit lamp biomicroscopic examination of the optic nerve head
- Digital photography of optic nerve head with CD ratio measured digitally.
- No change in clinical status- next appointment as per agreed intervals in NICE guidelines
- Change in clinical status as per NICE guidelines – refer back to HES
- Occasionally if there is a query around the results obtained they may be followed up at a later date.
- Patient with OHT, on treatment and continuing to be stable after 3 years, continues under Optom Practice care. For these patients, at 5 years, a report can be generated as a routine for HES records, for Information Only.
Please see service spec available form your LOC for full details of these schemes.
- Acute Glaucoma is emergency referral and should be referred accordingly
- IOP over 30 are at risk of vessel occlusion and should be referred to HES and NOT for refinement.
- NCT will NOT be accepted.
- These schemes do not include patients under 18
- Only for Patients with a North Derbyshire/Hardwick GP
- GP to be notified of any referral to hospital.
- Patients should be offered choice of local hospital.
- If a hospital outside the local area is selected the refer to GP for onward referral.
- Level 1 cannot refer to Level 2 Practices for Glaucoma assessments.
- This is NOT a Shared Care scheme. The responsibility of care lies with the Optometric Practice once discharged from HES.
To become accredited Optometrist needs to have completes WOPEC Glaucoma module, including attending a practical Goldmann training session, and then approved by PECS to be added to accredited list.
The ACCREDITED practice will automatically be paid (via OPERA):
- given all tests stated above and appropriate management of recall or referral
- may be claimed if uncertainty of tests remains. Few cases should fall in this category.
Appendix 4: Cataract Referral Criteria
Patient can be referred directly to: Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Newmedica at Barlborough, Spa medica or Derby Royal.
If the patient wants to be referred to another HES refer via GP.
Same eligibility criteria apply regardless of where patient is being referred to.
Cataract surgery will be funded where the patient is symptomatic and willing to undergo surgery, AND the visual acuity after refractive correction is 6/9 or worse in the worst eye (the eye to be treated)
OR the patient has one of the following (with correction):
- Reduced mobility, experiencing difficulties in driving, for example, due to glare, or experiencing difficulty with steps or uneven ground, The ability to work, give care or live independently is affected.
- The patient has diabetes, or retinal condition, and requires clear views of their retina to monitor their disease or treatment
- The patient has glaucoma and requires cataract surgery to control the intraocular pressure.
- The patient has posterior subcapsular or cortical cataracts and experiences problems with glare and a reduction in acuity in bright conditions (can be referred with 6/6 in this case)
- The patient’s visual field defects are borderline for driving, and cataract extraction would be expected to significantly improve the visual field.
The Optometrist must:
- Undertake a detailed dilated ocular assessment of patient that may benefit from cataract surgery and falls within the referral criteria
- Counsel patient of benefits vs risk of cataract surgery
- The Optometrist should give patient the choice to be referred, and offered a choice of Hospital, advise on process and likely waiting times
The patient should be given:
- Cataract Patient Information Leaflet
The Referral to the hospital from the Optometrist should include:
- GOS REFERRAL LETTER – GH, meds, ocular history and details of the cataract should be included
- PLCV Referral Form: For Forms and Patient Information Leafet please see link:
Referral should be sent:
- Via Cinapsis.
- A copy should be sent to the GP marking it clearly as INFORMATION ONLY
The practice may claim from ICB:
the fee can be claimed if the optometrist counsels and dilates a patient – whether or not patient is referred. (Note: if not referred, the Optometrist should still write to the GP to say the Px has been assessed under the Direct Cataract Referral scheme, but not referred)
Will be considered / funded ONLY if:
- Best corrected vision is worse than 6/24, e. effectively 6/36
- Or if more than 3D anisometropia between the eyes
- Or if FIRST EYE does not achieve a VA of 6/9 or better.
- Or the patient is diabetic or has retinal condition and the cataract affects clear views of the retina to monitor the disease or treatment.
- Or the patient has glaucoma and requires cataract surgery to control IOP or has shallow angle and the cataract is causing risk of acute glaucoma.
Appendix 5: Consultant Connect Queries
- This service has been decommissioned.
Appendix 6: Referrals to Sight Support Derbyshire
Sight support Derbyshire (SSD) provide a wide range of services to people with sight loss living in Derbyshire. Some services are open to everyone; some are provided on behalf of other agencies and eligibility criteria may apply. If you see someone who you think would benefit from thier services, you can either refer them directly, or pass SSD contact details and ask the person (or their family/carer) to contact them directly.
Does the patient need to be registered with a certificate of visual impairment (CVI)?
People do not need to be registered or have a CVI in order to receive help and support from Sight Support Derbyshire (SSD). If they require a low vision assessment or rehabilitation services they should be registered, or registerable (ideally with a CVI).
Sight Support Derbyshire will provide information and advice to anyone in Derbyshire concerned about sight loss. They can help with information about eye conditions, services such as Talking Books, support groups, and with equipment such as talking clocks, magnifiers and lighting Eligibility may depend on being registered and/or on home address or GP address – ring SSD to find out.)
How do I refer a patient to be registered for a CVI?
If the patient may qualify to be registered, and would like to be registered for a CVI please refer them to the Chesterfield Royal Hospital eye centre directly to be registered by an Ophthalmologist. Any active pathology referrals need to be referred for BEFORE this step.
If the person has a CVI, information will be sent automatically by the hospital to the relevant Local Authority. The Local Authority will then (with the person’s permission) pass the details on to SSD and they will contact the person to see how they can help.
How do I arrange a low vision assessment for a patient?
Unless the person is already in contact with an opticians practice that is currently part of the Derbyshire Low Vision Service, it is best for referrals to come through SSD. This also means that we can help with any other sight loss issues in the one referral.
How do I refer to SSD?
A referral can be made by telephone, in writing, via our website or if you are an ‘eye care professional’ and likely to need to refer regularly, SSD can email you our referral form. The details below are for North and South Derbyshire patients.
Contact Us:
- Phone: 01332 292262, 9.00am – 4.30pm
Appendix 7: Useful Resources.
Here are some links to useful resources:
Eye conditions | Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for information by Condition (Moorfields Eye Hospital)
Medicines Management – Home (
Patient self-help information- the following Ophthalmology self-care and prevention pages provide information about prevention of eye conditions, where to get help and common types of eye conditions:
The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 7.00pm. This will be held at the Holiday Inn South Normanton just off M1 Jct 28. Apologies to the Secretary please.
The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 7.00pm. This will be held at the Holiday Inn South Normanton just off M1 Jct 28. Apologies to the Secretary please.