
Useful Links

These are some useful links for opticians in Derbyshire:

Association of Optometrists
The representative body for optometrists.

College of Optometrists
The educational and public interest organisation for optometry.

Optometry Today
Premier optometric journal in the UK published by the AOP.

Journal for optometrists and dispensing opticians from Reed Business Publications.

Diabetes UK
The charity for people with diabetes.

General Ophthalmic Services
Notices relating to GOS, including voucher and ST updates, are posted here.

Older GOS related documents such as FPNs can often be located on the COIN database.

National Electronic Library for Health
Full of health related information and including a link to PubMed to search for published articles.

General Optical Council
The statutory body regulating optometry in the UK.

Eyecare Information Service
Useful source of patient information.

Royal National Institute for the Blind
For patient information.

The British Dyslexia Association
For information about dyslexia.

The Dyslexia Institute
An educational charity for the assessment and teaching of people with dyslexia.

National Screening Committee – Retinopathy
Information relating to retinopathy screening by digital imaging.

Association of British Dispensing Opticians
The professional organisation for dispensing opticians.

Federation of Optical Dispensing Organisations
The representative organisation for optical corporate bodies.

Optical Consumer Complaints Service
The independent optical complaints organisation.

Department of Optical Continuing Education and Training (DOCET)
The facilitator for optical continuing education and training.

The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 7.00pm. This will be held at the Holiday Inn South Normanton just off M1 Jct 28.  Apologies to the Secretary please.

The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 7.00pm. This will be held at the Holiday Inn South Normanton just off M1 Jct 28.  Apologies to the Secretary please.

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Follow the committee on our Facebook page for news on meetings, events and CET