

New CPD for Registrants from 2024

The Derbyshire LOC CET lead wants to update you on the  changes to the GOC CET scheme.

The current 3 year CET scheme will end on  31/12/24.

Please  check your CET account on the GOC website to check that you have completed the cycle and download any outstanding points, and have completed all competencies, modalities etc. Please remind all your colleagues including Dispensing Opticians and Contact Lens Opticians to do this ASAP.

If you have any queries as to meeting the requirements, please contact your professional body ASAP for further advice.

The new CPD scheme will commence on 01/01/22 and the GOC guide is here:

CPD – A guide for registrants (Nov 2021)


Derbyshire LOC will  be offering CPD events under the new guidelines from 01/01/2022 for Optometrists, CLOs and DOs.

WOPEC Training

WOPEC provides education courses for Optometrists in most areas of practice: Glaucoma, Cataracts, AMD, Low Vision and MECS.

This is mostly by distance learning, which require codes to access the material. These codes can be requested by Derbyshire Optometrists from the Committee.

For further details visit the WOPEC website or contact the committee on info

The next Committee meeting is on Tuesday 11th February2025 at 7.00pm. Apologies to the Secretary please.

The next Committee meeting is on Tuesday 11th February2025 at 7.00pm. Apologies to the Secretary please.

Read our latest news

Follow the committee on our Facebook page for news on meetings, events and CET