Devon Cataract Referral Criteria (The policy will be implemented on the 19th of October 2015- additional supporting documents below):
Before a referral is made, the referrer must confirm that:
- The patient understands that the purpose of referral is for assessment for surgery.
- The patient wishes to have surgery if it is offered.
- The patient meets the criteria for cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery will be routinely commissioned only in the following circumstances:
There is sufficient cataract in the eye proposed for surgery to account for the patient’s visual symptoms AND one or more of the following criteria apply:
Best corrected visual acuity of 6/12 or worse in the affected eye AND the patient experiences one or more of the following due to subjective loss of visual performance:
- Difficulty in accomplishing everyday tasks.
- Reduced mobility, visual problems when driving or experiencing difficulty with steps or uneven ground.
- Ability to work, act as a carer or live independently is affected.
Patients who experience disabling problems with glare and a reduction in acuity in daylight or bright conditions or reduced contrast sensitivity.
- The patient has a best corrected visual acuity of better than 6/12 in the affected eye but they are working in an occupation in which visual acuity better than 6/12 is essential to their ability to continue to work.
- Where there is anisometropia following cataract surgery with a refractive difference between the two eyes of at least +/- 2.0 dioptres resulting in poor binocular vision or diplopia.
- Patients with rapidly progressive myopia.
Cataract surgery is also routinely commissioned under the following circumstances:
- Patients with glaucoma who require cataract surgery to control intra-ocular pressure.
- Patients with glaucoma who have undergone a trabeculectomy.
- Patients who have undergone a vitrectomy.
- Patients with diabetes in whom removal of the cataract is necessary to facilitate effective screening for diabetic retinopathy.
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