

The Accessible Information Standards

Legal Requirement from 31 July 2017

The Accessible Information Standard tells organisations how they should make sure that disabled people have access to information they can understand and the communication support they may need.

Accessible Information Standards were published by the Government in July 2015.  The Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires all providers of NHS or publically-funded adult social care to comply with these standards by 31 July 2016.

Applying for an NHS email address

To apply for access to an mail account you need to first contact the NHS England Area team using the following details:


  • 0113 824 8801 (Preferably by email)

You will need to complete this form: Application form for opticians

If you haven’t done so already you will also need to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit:

Formulary treatment for dry eyes

NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group have recently produced some formulary treatment guidance on dry eyes – see this information here: formulary treatment of dry eye

Information on ophthalmic preparations: here

If you have any queries please email the CCG on

Meibomian cyst policy

A supporting CRG has been developed by the planned care clinical leads to support understanding of the policy and referral, please see attachments for further information.



Over the counter medication 

NHS England guidance to reduce prescribing of ‘over the counter’ medicines for minor health conditions

In March, NHSE launched their guidance to reduce prescribing of ‘over the counter’ (OTC) medicines for minor health conditions [i] and the Clinical Commissioning Groups in Devon have made a decision to implement the guidance in full.

The guidance advises that OTC medication should not be routinely prescribed in primary care for 35 minor, or self-limiting conditions. The conditions have been included for one of the following reasons:

  • It is self-limiting and does not require medical advice or treatment as it will clear up on its own
  • It is a minor illness and is suitable for self-care and treatment with items that can easily be purchased over the counter from a pharmacy

Vitamins, minerals and probiotics are also included as there is a lack of robust evidence to show clinical effectiveness

There are exceptions to the guidance including:

  • Where treatment is for a long-term condition
  • The OTC medicine is being used to treat a side effect of a prescription medicine or symptom of another illness
  • The OTC medicine has a licence which doesn’t allow the product to be sold over the counter to certain groups of patients
  • The person prescribing thinks that a patient cannot treat themselves, for example because of mental health problems or severe social vulnerability.

The conditions include dry eyes, hay fever and conjunctivitis as well as vitamins and minerals and we would ask for your support in implementing the guidance so that patients receive consistent messages.

Further details, including patient information leaflets, are available on the CCG websites: One Devon


Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine

LOC GDPR Privacy Policy

The committee have decided to limit the social media activity to Twitter to ensure messages are kept current.