Click here for papers for the next committee meeting
Below is the current committee, followed by a P for performer or C for contractor and their end of term in brackets. One third of the committee is elected at each AGM.
Officers are elected annually at the first committee meeting following the AGM.
Chair | Shamina Asif P(2026) | Secretary | Paul Sidhu P(2027) |
Treasurer | Mark Tuffin C(2026) | Vice Chair | Shazad Mahmood C(2025) |
CPD Officer | Roseline Birhah P(2027) |
Dudley LOC strives to involve all committee members in LOC matters. Therefore, we have chosen to expand the available officer roles. The new officer roles have been selected as follows:
Community Services Officer | Qadir Baz P(2025) |
Dispensing Optician Lead Officer | Sonia Tyrell Co-opted DO |
Low vision and Pre-reg support Officer | Amir Afzal P(2025) |
Multiple Liaison Officer | Hussnan Ejaz C(2027) |
Independent Liaison Officer | Ameerah Riaz Ahmed C(2025) |
Domiciliary Officer | David Wright C(2026) |
Hospital Liaison Officer | Nichola Ferguson C(2027) |
The other committee members are:
Jasheen “Sheena” Mangat P(2027) | Gurdeep Dosanjh C(2027) | Charles Barlow P(2025) |
Vacant C(2026) | Vacant P(2026) |
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are held at least 3 times a year. Minutes from committee meetings are presented to the following meeting for approval so that those present can confirm they are an accurate record of proceedings. For this reason the most recent minutes should be considered to be a draft until approved at the following meeting. Older minutes available on request
Held annually, minutes are also presented to the following AGM for approval so the most recent minutes should be considered to be a draft until approved.
Dudley LOC AGM 20th June 2022 – Minutes
Older minutes available on request