
IOP Repeat Measures

To access the service the Patient must have a Dudley CCG GP. You may be able to offer this to patients with a Birmingham or Black Country CCG GP, but you need to be aware there are some differences in protocol that you will need to follow. Opera should be able to offer guideance.

The IOP repeat measures service provides primary care repeat readings to deflect unnecessary referrals to secondary care.

Patients who are identified as having IOP ≥ 24 mmHg and no other signs of glaucoma during a GOS or private sight test will have immediate slit lamp GAT or Perkins tonometry.

If IOP still ≥ 24mmHg patient returns within 1 month for second repeat.

You must complete the Opera record and where required, Opera will send referral to chosen provider and copy to GP for information. If you wish to join please email