

Durham LOC Latest News

Great Committee Meeting Last Night

Thanks to everyone who attended our committee meeting last night – we had lots to discuss and it was really productive. Our next meeting is provisionally scheduled for Tuesday 1st March 2022. And please see our members area for a copy of the second pair application form if you need to issue a second voucher …

1 December 2021

Committee Meeting Next Week – Date Change

Our regular committee meeting is going to be a day earlier than previously advertised and has been changed to Tuesday 30th November at 6.30pm via Zoom. Please contact us if you would like a link to attend as an observer.

21 November 2021

SEI Urgent Referral System Change

Please note that ANY urgent referrals to Sunderland Eye Infirmary MUST be followed up with an admin phone call to confirm the email has been received. Emergency referrals must continue to be telephoned in. Phone numbers and further details are in the member’s area.

11 November 2021

Walk in clinics – COVID 19 booster for eligible health and social care staff

There is an opportunity to get a Covid 19 booster at a walk in clinic over the next couple of days:  7th and 8th October 14.30-18.00 – Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RN   Eligible Optical team members can access a COVID 19 booster at walk in clinics in a marquee on Palace Green, Durham City. DH1 3RN between 14.30 …

7 October 2021

NHSmail Data Protection Security Toolkit (DPST) Update

If you applied for an NHSmail account during Covid19 and have not yet completed the DPST, please see the following: NHSX, NHS Digital and NHSEI are holding webinars to help contractors in the completion of the DSPT. Presented by John Hodson, Senior Information Assurance at NHS Digital, the webinars will feature a short demo, tips …

21 September 2021

Missing Referral Details

The LOC has been contacted regarding a number of referrals that are being sent to GP practices without the Optometry practice name and address. There seems to be a particular issue where a GOS18 type form is being used. If you are sending the referral electronically, please ensure the referral document itself includes your practice …

21 September 2021

Committee Meeting Tonight

A reminder it’s our committee meeting tonight and observers are welcome. Contact us if you would like a link to join.

13 July 2021

LOCSU are recruiting Optical Leads

Please see our job vacancies section if you are interested in applying for this role. The closing date is this coming Thursday.

6 June 2021

New Job Vacancies Page

We have added a Job Vacancies page to the website. This will be in the “Professionals” drop down menu, so member access is not needed to see posts. Please contact us if you wish to add a vacancy.

24 May 2021

Great AGM!

Thanks to Sight and Sound Technology for a great CET section at our AGM last week. It was informative and interesting to see all the new technologies available for sight impaired people. The date for our next committee meeting has been set and we also hope to hold a further CET event later in the …

17 May 2021

LOCSU Latest News

GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face.

1 July 2024

LOCSU Hosts Popular Time Management Bitesize Training Course

This month, LOCSU hosted two ‘Time Mastery: Seeing Clearly Through Efficient Time Management’ training sessions, as part of our series of bitesize training sessions.

28 June 2024

Join the LOCSU Comms Network!

Are you the comms lead for your LOC? Do you want to meet like-minded colleagues to share ideas and challenges with?

24 June 2024

LOCSU’s Inaugural Chair Conference is a Great Success

This month, over 50 attendees joined LOCSU’s inaugural chairs conference in London.

21 June 2024

Find out about upcoming events

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