

Durham LOC Latest News

AGM and CET Webinar Link

Please click on the link below to register for our AGM and CET event on Wednesday 12th May. 1 CET point is available via a webinar being delivered by Sight and Sound Technology regarding technology for visually impaired people. There will be an update from LOSCU, as well as the usual update from the past …

6 May 2021

AGM and CET event

Our AGM is scheduled for Wednesday 12th May and will feature an update from LOCSU and a webinar on “Assistive Technology” (CET points applied for). You will have received a copy of the nomination form to apply to join the committee if you are on our mailing list. A full agenda and reports for the …

29 April 2021

New Version of See Ability Leaflet

Please see the Patients Area for a new version of the See Ability “People with Learning Disabilities” leaflet. This contains up to date information on the practices linked with this scheme, and details of how the scheme works.

14 April 2021

All Services Stopped on Optomanager

As of today, all services have ceased on Optomanager. No episodes should be inputted on to this platform. For any Children’s Pathway, PwLD or Low Vision please keep paper records for now and we will update you once these services are live on Opera.

9 April 2021

GRR Service is Live on Opera

Please start inputting your GRR episodes via the Opera platform.

2 April 2021

GRR Service Update

Please be aware that these episodes should no longer be inputted on Optomanager. This service is moving to Opera, but has been delayed, so for now PES are advising a manual record of any relevant episodes are kept and inputted once the Opera service is live. There is a virtual drop in session tomorrow evening …

23 March 2021

Routine Referrals

Durham CCG have asked the LOC to remind optical practices that all routine onward referral requests to hospital eye services should continue to be arranged by the patient’s registered GP practice. Routine referrals should go to the GP, not directly to a hospital. If you are doing a cataract referral within OPERA the referral automatically …

19 March 2021

CDDFT Fail Safe Contact Information

Please see the “Referrals” page in the Professional section for a link to recently communicated fail safe information for referrals to CDDFT.

16 March 2021

Committee Meeting This Week

A reminder our next committee meeting is Wednesday 10th March at 6.30pm via Zoom. Observers are welcome, please contact us if you wish to attend.

8 March 2021

New email address for Wet AMD referrals to SEI

Please note there is a new form and email address for Wet AMD referrals to SEI. Please see the members area for details. Thanks.

31 January 2021

LOCSU Latest News

GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face.

1 July 2024

LOCSU Hosts Popular Time Management Bitesize Training Course

This month, LOCSU hosted two ‘Time Mastery: Seeing Clearly Through Efficient Time Management’ training sessions, as part of our series of bitesize training sessions.

28 June 2024

Join the LOCSU Comms Network!

Are you the comms lead for your LOC? Do you want to meet like-minded colleagues to share ideas and challenges with?

24 June 2024

LOCSU’s Inaugural Chair Conference is a Great Success

This month, over 50 attendees joined LOCSU’s inaugural chairs conference in London.

21 June 2024

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