
Currently most GP surgeries and hospital eye departments in our area are happy to receive email referrals. Further details are to be found in the members area. Please be aware that a lot of fax machines have now been switched off!

GOS 18 referrals can be actioned using the GOS 18 pro forma or freehand typed.

All routine referrals to HES should be arranged via the GP – please do not refer directly to a hospital.

PLEASE NOTE: Cataract referrals for patients with a GP in County Durham are done on OPERA and go via the GP, any that are done outside of OPERA must also go via the GP. These patients will then be directed to an Optometrist who provides the pre-op service. PATIENTS SHOULD NOT BE REFERRED DIRECTLY TO HOSPITALS OR INDEPENDENT SECTOR PROVIDERS. If the patient’s GP is based in Northumberland, Tyne  and Wear, Tees or North Cumbria you should refer to the patients GP (unless in Tees your practice is registered with TARS).


Emergencies are to be telephoned in, some hospitals will accept email for urgent referrals:

DMH – “urgent” is via the Urgent Care email address. In the case of emergency referrals or for urgent advice, telephone the consultant on-call. No fax.

SEI – no walk in service. Telephone the 24/7 emergency number before sending any patients. Information may then be emailed or faxed. Urgent referrals can be emailed but also need a follow up call to be triaged appropriately. This can be done by practice admin staff.

RVI – telephone or email for advice if required. Referrals must be phoned in followed by an email with information requested. No fax.

JCUH – all “fast track” referrals can be emailed or phoned in.


Referrals via MECS – all wet AMD, urgent and emergency referrals are sent directly from Opera to the relevant mailbox.

In the case of CDDFT and SEI emergency referrals must be followed up with a phone call to the relevant centre. Wet AMD and urgent referrals do not require a phone call.

In the case of RVI, urgent and emergency referrals must be followed up with a phone call. Wet AMD referrals do not require a phone call.


Routine referrals are via GP.


Wet AMD and RVO pathways are active – email the referral either with the pro forma or freehand with the same information (SEI in particular request the AMD form is used): for generic AMD referral form and RVO referral form click the links. Trust specific forms are within the members area.

CDDFT are requesting suspect papilloedema is referred via their new form which is available in the members area.


The contact details for the DES team For County Durham and Darlington are:

01325 342113


Please refer to the following fail safe guide when referring to CDDFT.


When a referral contains patient identifiable data, it must only be sent to and from email addresses.


Local ECLO details can be found here.

Please see the members area for all referral information including GP email addresses and emergency contact details.

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