
EeRS has begun roll out in Birmingham and Solihull. Currently this allows practices taking part to electronically refer to Health Harmonie, with other hospitals coming online soon. If you haven’t yet signed up please see this page.

Routine referrals for patients with a BSol GP must be referred via the Single Point of Access (SAP) operated by Health-Harmonie. Contractors in the BSOL area will have received details of the new pathway direct from Health-Harmonie.

NB Health Harmonie will reject referrals for patients who’s GP is not in Birmingham and Solihull, even if the Optometry practice making the referral is in area.

Further details, including conditions which are included/excluded can be found in the following document:

Health Harmonie Newsletter February 2023

referrals should be sent on a  GOS 18 to fax number 0121 454 4411,

or NHSmail email to

or via Opera through the eRS RAS.

The phone number for queries is 0121 454 7779 or email

Routine referrals for conditions not seen by Health Harmonie

Please see the document above which includes conditions not seen by Health Harmonie.  Additional Conditions NOT seen by Health Harmonie include:

Suspected Cancers
Patients who need cataract surgery
Patients with diabetic retinopathy
Patients likely to need inpatient surgery
Patients under the age of 6 (see below for referral details for Birmingham Children’s Hospital)

These conditions need to be referred directly to one of the hospitals below:

QE/Good Hope/Solihull/Heartlands email via NHSmail to: for QE only (updated December 2023) for Solihull/Heartlands/Good Hope

You must clearly state which hospital your patient wishes to be referred to. Telephone 0121 424 1233 for queries

BMEC email via NHSmail to:

You must state if you wish the patient to be seen at BMEC or Sandwell General Hospital. Telephone 0121 507 4151 for queries

Birmingham Children’s Hospital (for children under 16)

email via NHSmail to

or fax to: 0121 333 9461

Telephone 0121 333 9462 for queries

If you are based in an optical practice outside the Birmingham and Solihull area, you must consider what is in your patient’s best interest. The above is the agreed pathway, and the one GPs expect their patients to follow. If however you choose to refer on a GOS 18 via the GP it is suggested you prominently include a note making clear that you are not directly referring, e.g. “Sandwell Optometrist: We do not directly refer, GP TO ACTION”