
If IOP is over 32mmHg you should make an emergency referral

If you are considering referring for IOP alone with no other signs of glaucoma, repeat measures should be done, see here.

Suspect glaucoma referrals for patients with a BSol GP must be referred via the Single Point of Access (SAP) operated by Health-Harmonie. BSOL Contractors will have received details of the pathway direct from Health-Harmonie.

It is expected that all optometrists will make referrals via EeRS. More details on EeRS here

If this is not possible, referrals should be sent on a  GOS 18 to fax number 0121 454 4411,

or NHSmail email to

or via Opera through the eRS RAS.

The phone number for queries is 0121 454 7779.

If you are based in an optical practice outside the Birmingham and Solihull area, you must consider what is in your patient’s best interest. The above is the agreed pathway, and the one GPs expect their patients to follow. If however you choose to refer on a GOS 18 via the GP it is suggested you prominently include a note making clear that you are not directly referring, e.g. “Sandwell Optometrist: We do not directly refer, GP TO ACTION”

It is good practice to ask the patient to contact your practice if they haven’t heard in the expected time frame and document this on your record. If a patient contacts you then you should endeavour to chase the referral.