Russells Hall accepts same day referrals, but NOT a walk-in service. Also please see below regarding Vitreoretinal referrals.
Russells Hall Hospital (RHH) Eye Department, Ground floor, north wing, Pensnett Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 2HQ
See the College of Optometrists guide to urgency of referrals
Please also consult Part 2 of Dudley Referral Guidelines for Optoms to ensure you send referrals with the correct urgency and to the correct destination.
NB at present, Russells Hall doesn’t have a Vitreoretinal surgeon, so if you are referring for conditions such as suspect retinal detachment it is in the patients best interest to consider BMEC or New Cross
Contact the eye casualty triage in the Emergency Referral Clinic; Tel 01384 456111 ask for Ophthalmic Triage Bleep or X 3633. Discuss your findings and follow advice. Eye Triage in the Emergency Referral Clinic is available weekdays 9am to 4pm.
Give the patient a completed Urgent referral form (or CUES referral form) to take to the Urgent Referral Centre (URC) (can also be Faxed to 01384 244560). Send a report of your actions to their GP
NB. There is no walk in Eye Casualty Service at Russells Hall. If this is required direct the patient to BMEC or Wolverhampton.