
MECS & CUES Workshop, OFNC Statement And FODO News

6 March 2021

We have 3 items for you today:

  1. OFNC have released a statement: “NHS ENGLAND REJECTS SUPPORT PROPOSAL FOR STRUGGLING PRACTICES”, which can be found as the first item below.
  2. LOCSU have advised us of two workshops on urgent eyecare – one on the future of MECS on Wednesday 24th March and the other on CUES, on Thursday 25th March. Whilst this may not be immediately relevant to all our practitioners, it is an opportunity to help shape the future of these services. Further details are in the second item, below.
  3. FODO’s weekly news update can be found HERE, including their key points on the budget, World Glaucoma week 7-13 March and AMD commissioning guidance consultation.

Kind regards

Herts LOC


5 March 2021

Several weeks ago the OFNC put clear proposals to NHS England for support for optical practices struggling in the latest round of lockdown restrictions. Many in the sector had responded to our call for evidence on the impact of the new lockdown, demonstrating that targeted support was needed. We proposed a targeted safety net scheme to support practices which had seen a fall of 50% or more in GOS activity. We also proposed continued top-up support for domiciliary providers which have continued to struggle to access patients, particularly in care homes.

On 4 March NHS England told us no further financial support will be made available to practices at present. It gave two reasons for this. One is that its monthly GOS claims data (below) is showing relatively stable activity in January and February 2021. The other is that the additional support offered in autumn 2020 to some fixed practices in areas of deprivation was taken up by fewer than 200 practices, suggesting limited demand for further help.

We reject both these arguments, and we know the profession will be aggrieved at this decision. It shows a lack of regard for the small number of practices that still need help, having struggled to continue to meet eye care needs and provide frontline services throughout the pandemic.

The GOS claims data only gives an aggregate picture. It includes payments for previous months submitted on paper forms, and is distorted by the rollout of eGOS. NHS England accepts that despite the positive picture painted by the data, many practices can show they are suffering from a significant reduction in demand for face-to-face care – but it is not willing to help.

We also strongly disagree with NHS England’s interpretation of the low uptake for the autumn 2020 support. We had warned at the time that the complex and restrictive criteria for the support would be a barrier to take-up. That support was also offered in very different circumstances – with lighter lockdown restrictions in most parts of England, without the strong “stay home” messaging from Government that has affected patient confidence since January, and with a more positive outlook for an end to the crisis. However, it provided an important safety net which supported some 200 practices and their patients.

As we have repeatedly explained to NHS England, our proposal for further safety net support would not be needed by many practices, but would enable those needing help to keep their doors open to meet their patient’s needs close to home. Unfortunately NHS England has now made it clear that it is not willing to take these negotiations any further at this time.

We know this will be a blow for the whole sector, and bitterly disappointing news to practices that may now have to reduce their operating hours or turn away patients they have supported throughout the pandemic.

Despite this, we will continue to meet with NHS England to review the impact of the pandemic on activity levels and other data, and to monitor the need for future support for practices for the benefit of patients, the public and the sector.



Dear Practitioners

During Spring 2020 LOCSU worked with NHS England and colleagues from the CCEHC to develop and promote the COVID-19 Urgent eyecare service (CUES) pathway, receiving clinical endorsement from the College of Optometrists and Royal College of Ophthalmologists.  When first published, CUES was promoted as a response to the pandemic; to help ensure timely access to urgent and emergency eye care in a “COVID-safe” way, without the need to travel to a hospital. 

However, it was always intended that CUES would also deliver against the NHS long term plan objectives and be fit for the future, a future without COVID but where urgent eye care is still delivered locally, optimising the existing workforce and expertise across the eye care pathway.

As we ready ourselves for Spring 2021 and beyond, LOCSU are keen to understand from the people delivering and performance managing the commissioned urgent eye care services, what is working well and where there is room for improvement.

If you are interested in helping to inform this work, please register for one of our upcoming workshops:

Urgent eye care workshop – MECS Wednesday 24th March 19.00-20.00

This workshop is intended for Optometrists, DOs/CLOs, practice owners and CGPLs involved in the delivery of commissioned Minor Eye Conditions Services. Please register here.  Please provide your full name and which LOC you’re with and a zoom invite will be forwarded to you.

Urgent eye care workshop – CUES Thursday 25th March 19.00 – 20.00

This workshop is intended for Optometrists, DOs/CLOs, practice owners and CGPLs involved in the delivery of commissioned COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Services. Please register here. Please provide your full name and which LOC you’re with and a zoom invite will be forwarded to you.

Many thanks.

Kind regards

Jacque Fooks | Office Manager  

Local Optical Committee Support Unit | 2 Woodbridge Street | London | EC1R 0DG

T. 020 7549 2051 | |
Twitter: @LOCSU | Sign up to all our communications here


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