Thank you from the Chair and Watford Hospital, Low Vison Survey, OFNC Chair, HVCCG And FODO News
12 April 2021
We have 6 items for you today:
- Thank You From The LOC Chair and Watford Hospital
Dear PractitionersFurther to our recent email about Watford Hospital and their requirements, I would like to say a huge thank you to all those practices and practitioners who have stepped up to offer their help with both corneal topography and to become involved in the FENETRE study. We had an amazing number of replies and I feel this can only benefit our relationship with them going forward.
Watford will be contacting the practices directly for topography as and when it is needed and were delighted to receive such a positive response from you all. A big thank you from them, too!
We also had a superb amount of interest for sitting in the Urgent Eye Clinics at Watford. The organisation of these sessions will be commencing next week. We have, therefore, closed the list to new requests for the moment.
- Thank You From The LOC Chair and Watford Hospital
- Low Vision Survey
The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning is seeking for your support in completing a short survey to understand the impact of COVID-19 (April 2020 – March 2021) on low vision assessment services in England. LOCSU have provided more information about this below. The survey can be accessed here: and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. They would welcome your responses by Friday 30 April 2021.
- Low Vision Survey
- Herts Valleys CCG’s April Update
is HERE, including information on the reports of very rare blood clots and an opportunity for anyone eligible (not just staff or practitioners) to get their FIRST VACCINATION.
- Herts Valleys CCG’s April Update
- CET Webinar – ‘Management of Uveitis’
The Ophthalmic Consultants of London (now called OCL Vision) are running their next CET webinar on Thursday 29th April at 8pm. Further details and the registration form can be found HERE.
- CET Webinar – ‘Management of Uveitis’
- OFNC Change of Chair
The Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee (OFNC) have issued a statement regarding a change of Chair, and their priorities and direction for the coming year, HERE.
- OFNC Change of Chair
- FODO’s Weekly News Update
can be found HERE, including NHS funded PPE extension, “Royal College launches cataract services workforce guidance” and “Public positive about primary eye care provision during Covid-19”.
Kind regards
Herts LOC
Low Vision Survey
The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning is seeking for your support in completing a short survey to understand the impact of COVID-19 (April 2020 – March 2021) on low vision assessment services in England.
We are aware that since the first lockdown, low vision assessment clinics have been cancelled, with urgent cases carried out via remote consultations. Initial returns have shown a significant fall in certifications of visual impairment. We appreciate that service provision has been very challenging, with patients and practitioners shielding, lower clinic numbers to maintain social distancing, and re-deployed posts.
What happens in a low vision assessment is important as it should be considered as the start of a new pathway. The approach should make sure that all the patient needs are identified, and appropriate actions and support arranged. Even before COVID, low vision assessment was not a consistent service across England and there were long delays or no service in some areas. With greater use of telephone and video consultations, it is important to understand the impact of these changes on patient care, and to ensure consistency and equity of access to low vision service users.
Any information you provide will be used to inform how these services could be improved.
The survey can be accessed here: and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. We would welcome your responses by Friday 30 April 2021.
The information requested should be readily available and should not need you to conduct additional data collections or seek local approvals. The information you will share will be held securely in line with data protection law.
If you are willing to share local protocols, please feel free to send these to the CCEHC Secretariat at
Thank you again for your support in completing this survey.
Kind regards
Hertfordshire LOC Latest News
Applications to Join Herts LOC
Hi all Applications invited for Local NHS Contractors and Performers to join Hertfordshire Local Optical Committee Herts LOC always like to welcome new members to increase the diversity of experience, backgrounds and opinions amongst our cohort. The LOC meets quarterly, along with an annual AGM. At these meetings we discuss a wide variety of topics which …
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12 February 2025
GOS Pitfalls, Watford waiting times, FODO News
We have 3 items for you today: NHSBSA: Common Pitfalls with GOS Claiming NHSBSA recently ran a webinar, “Common Pitfalls with GOS Claiming”, around how to ensure GOS claims are accurate and avoiding PPV issues. Their key takeaways were: • Note the condition and age of patient’s spectacles. • Focimeter spectacles and avoid just copying the previous …
Continue reading “GOS Pitfalls, Watford waiting times, FODO News”
12 February 2025
GOS Claims held process, FODO News and Merry Chirstmas!
We have 4 items for you today: GOS Claims Held Process The ICB advise that they are contacting Contractors who have been affected by an issue around GOS1 claims, where there has been a legitimate early test but they have not been paid by PCSE and remaining as “pending”. They are working on a solution but have said that, in the meantime, affected …
Continue reading “GOS Claims held process, FODO News and Merry Chirstmas!”
12 February 2025
Cat Waiting Times, CHEC contact number, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 4 items for you today: Waiting times for ENH Trust (Lister) and WHH Trust (Watford) Please find below the waiting times for NHS patients at the 3 Local Acute Trusts. We are hoping that this will become a regular update and will include other providers in due course, with thanks to the Trusts and ICB for …
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12 February 2025
Additional Early Recall Codes For GOS
Hi all Please find below an email from NHS England outlining additional early recall codes for certain situations. Apologies for any issues with the layout. Kind regards Herts LOC , Dear colleague I am writing to you to provide an update on an interim PCSE system change which will be introduced overnight on 28/29 …
Continue reading “Additional Early Recall Codes For GOS”
12 February 2025
Referrals, Vacancy, CPD, FODO News
We have 4 items for you today: Referrals in Hertfordshire, including Watford and CHEC We have been advised that practices are being told by another provider that CHEC’s contract is being decommissioned next year. The ICB have confirmed that this is NOT THE CASE and the relevant provider has been told to stop giving out inaccurate information. …
Continue reading “Referrals, Vacancy, CPD, FODO News”
12 February 2025
Waiting times for Lister and Watford, Translation Service, CHEC Hours, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 5 items for you today: Waiting times for ENH Trust (Lister) and WHH Trust (Watford) Please find below the waiting times for NHS patients at the 2 Acute Trusts in Herts. We are hoping that this will become a regular update and will include other providers in due course, with thanks to the Trusts and …
12 February 2025
Tell us your problems, CPD, FODO News
We have 3 items for you today: Tell us more of your problems! Thanks to everyone who has completed our survey form regarding issues around referrals. We would really like more examples, please, especially specific instances where Px care or even safety has been at risk or suffered. We have created a very simple form for you to …
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4 September 2024
Tell us your problems!
Tell us your problems! No, we’re not starting a counselling service but we do want you to tell us about your concerns, poor experiences and difficulties relating to the current referral pathways and lack of services in Hertfordshire. We are hoping to collect as much data as possible to strengthen our drive to get services commissioned, to …
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24 July 2024
Sight Loss Support Survey, CPD Claims, CPD Webinar, Hypertension Pilot, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 6 items for you today: Sight Loss Support Survey One of our committee members is working with Hertfordshire County Council’s Sensory Services on the creation of an information leaflet about local support, resources and signposting, to distribute to adults in Hertfordshire with sight loss. As part of this, we would be grateful if …
24 July 2024