Withdrawal Of SOP, Isolation Exemption, GOS Contracts, Addenbrooks Contacts, PAH Referrals & FODO News
4 August 2021
We have 6 items for you today:
- Withdrawal of NHSE Optical SOP
You are likely to have already received this information via the primary care gateway (Email GW3307 – FOR INFORMATION: B0783 Arrangements for primary care from 19 July 2021) or from other sources, but we have repeated the update HERE for those that may have missed it. ABDO, the AOP, the College and FODO have issued a joint statement on this, HERE.
- Withdrawal of NHSE Optical SOP
- Self-isolation exemption
The Department on Health and Social Care (DHSC) announced, HERE, that fully vaccinated frontline health and care staff may continue to work rather than self-isolate when they have been identified as close contact of a COVID-19 positive case outside of the work setting.This has been introduced to help alleviate pressure on healthcare services. The DHSC is clear that the exemption only applies where frontline health and social care staff absence may lead to a significant risk of harm to patients.
NHS England has published a letter, HERE, confirming that this exemption applies in all NHS settings, including primary eye care, but is “subject to strict conditions”. Further information may be found in the same joint statement mentioned above, which can also be found HERE.
- Self-isolation exemption
- GOS contract management functions to move to integrated care boards from April 2022
NHS England has confirmed to the OFNC that General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) will remain a national contract with terms, fees and grants continuing to be negotiated nationally.The Health and Care Bill, currently before Parliament, will change NHS commissioning structures in England, including the establishment of new Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). NHS England has announced plans, HERE, to transfer all primary care contract management functions from NHS England to ICBs from April 2022.
This means ICBs will hold the contracts instead of NHS England regional teams. It will not affect how the GOS service is delivered; providers will continue to provide a GOS sight testing service as now, and patients will access GOS in the same way. Further information can be found in the OFNC statement HERE.
- Addenbrooke’s contact details
We have been advised that the best, non urgent, number to use is their switchboard on 01223 245151.Also, they have asked us to delete their Fax number from our contacts list, and to replace the details for direct cataract referrals with an email address, add-tr.NHSOutpatientReferrals@nhs.net, instead of the postal address.
This information has been updated on our Referral Contact List, HERE, which can be downloaded and/or printed should you wish.
- GOS contract management functions to move to integrated care boards from April 2022
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Referrals
We have been asked to remind practitioners that all routine referrals to the hospital should be sent to the patient’s GP in West Essex and East & North Herts, if the patient wants to be seen in PAH.DO NOT send routine referrals to tpa-tr.ophthalmology@nhs.net This should only be used for urgent and emergency referrals once the Advice and Guidance received from one of the Hospital Consultants requests this information.
Routine referrals sent to this email address stop the patients who have urgent or emergency referrals from being triaged in a timely manner.
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Referrals
- FODO News
Is HERE, including a PCSE Update (System Downtime, Changes to the Claim Search Function and Help with Paper GOS forms).
Kind regards
Herts LOC
Hertfordshire LOC Latest News
Applications to Join Herts LOC
Hi all Applications invited for Local NHS Contractors and Performers to join Hertfordshire Local Optical Committee Herts LOC always like to welcome new members to increase the diversity of experience, backgrounds and opinions amongst our cohort. The LOC meets quarterly, along with an annual AGM. At these meetings we discuss a wide variety of topics which …
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12 February 2025
GOS Pitfalls, Watford waiting times, FODO News
We have 3 items for you today: NHSBSA: Common Pitfalls with GOS Claiming NHSBSA recently ran a webinar, “Common Pitfalls with GOS Claiming”, around how to ensure GOS claims are accurate and avoiding PPV issues. Their key takeaways were: • Note the condition and age of patient’s spectacles. • Focimeter spectacles and avoid just copying the previous …
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12 February 2025
GOS Claims held process, FODO News and Merry Chirstmas!
We have 4 items for you today: GOS Claims Held Process The ICB advise that they are contacting Contractors who have been affected by an issue around GOS1 claims, where there has been a legitimate early test but they have not been paid by PCSE and remaining as “pending”. They are working on a solution but have said that, in the meantime, affected …
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12 February 2025
Cat Waiting Times, CHEC contact number, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 4 items for you today: Waiting times for ENH Trust (Lister) and WHH Trust (Watford) Please find below the waiting times for NHS patients at the 3 Local Acute Trusts. We are hoping that this will become a regular update and will include other providers in due course, with thanks to the Trusts and ICB for …
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12 February 2025
Additional Early Recall Codes For GOS
Hi all Please find below an email from NHS England outlining additional early recall codes for certain situations. Apologies for any issues with the layout. Kind regards Herts LOC , Dear colleague I am writing to you to provide an update on an interim PCSE system change which will be introduced overnight on 28/29 …
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12 February 2025
Referrals, Vacancy, CPD, FODO News
We have 4 items for you today: Referrals in Hertfordshire, including Watford and CHEC We have been advised that practices are being told by another provider that CHEC’s contract is being decommissioned next year. The ICB have confirmed that this is NOT THE CASE and the relevant provider has been told to stop giving out inaccurate information. …
Continue reading “Referrals, Vacancy, CPD, FODO News”
12 February 2025
Waiting times for Lister and Watford, Translation Service, CHEC Hours, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 5 items for you today: Waiting times for ENH Trust (Lister) and WHH Trust (Watford) Please find below the waiting times for NHS patients at the 2 Acute Trusts in Herts. We are hoping that this will become a regular update and will include other providers in due course, with thanks to the Trusts and …
12 February 2025
Tell us your problems, CPD, FODO News
We have 3 items for you today: Tell us more of your problems! Thanks to everyone who has completed our survey form regarding issues around referrals. We would really like more examples, please, especially specific instances where Px care or even safety has been at risk or suffered. We have created a very simple form for you to …
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4 September 2024
Tell us your problems!
Tell us your problems! No, we’re not starting a counselling service but we do want you to tell us about your concerns, poor experiences and difficulties relating to the current referral pathways and lack of services in Hertfordshire. We are hoping to collect as much data as possible to strengthen our drive to get services commissioned, to …
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24 July 2024
Sight Loss Support Survey, CPD Claims, CPD Webinar, Hypertension Pilot, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 6 items for you today: Sight Loss Support Survey One of our committee members is working with Hertfordshire County Council’s Sensory Services on the creation of an information leaflet about local support, resources and signposting, to distribute to adults in Hertfordshire with sight loss. As part of this, we would be grateful if …
24 July 2024