CPDs On Myopia And Topography, PPV, FODO And LOCSU News
23 March 2023
We have 4 items for you today:
- CPD webinars on Myopia- “When will my child’s eye stop growing?” and Topography in Corneal Conditions and Cataract Surgery
Herts LOC are running a CPD evening via Zoom on Tuesday 21st March for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians, starting at 7pm and finishing at 9pm. Points have been applied for which, subject to approval, will be one interactive point per session.The speakers are:
- Miss Francesca Harman MBChB, FRCOphth, Consultant Ophthalmologist at Hillingdon and Mount Vernon NHS Trust specialising in high-volume cataract surgery and medical cornea. She will be talking on topography, giving an overview of the importance of this technique and relating it to both corneal conditions as well as cataract surgery in more complicated cases.
- Dr Annegret Dahlmann-Noor PhD FRCOphth FRCS(Ed) DipMedEd, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Consultant in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus and Divisional Director, Moorfields. The title of the talk is “When will my child’s eye stop growing?”. The session will cover an overview of epidemiology, complications, current and new management options to slow the progression of Myopia in children together with a section on rarer conditions of children who are born highly myopic and the associated syndromes.
To register to attend this CPD event, please complete the following form:
Please note that places are limited so will be on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a Zoom invite before the event if you are successful in reserving a place. If you subsequently are unable to attend, you must email admin@HertsLOC.org uk which is also the address for any queries you may have. We look forward to seeing you there.
- OFNC Statement: THE NHS-BSA Post Payment Verification Guidance
NHS England and NHSBSA have published new Post Payment Verification (PPV) guidance for GOS, HERE. OFNC have issued a statement, HERE, they advise :
“We know that in the past, PPV processes have not always been well implemented and at points based upon flawed logic. This has increased costs for practices, delivering no benefit for the NHS and have also in some instances reduced patient access. However, NHSBSA said it hopes this new guidance will provide “improved value for money and quality”.One challenge for all contractors, who are busy meeting patient needs, is the cost and time associated with PPV. Therefore, we advise all providers and clinicians to ensure record cards clearly show why an early retest was necessary, and where there has been a dispensing supplement claimed such as a prism or a tint has been claimed, that the clinical reason for prescribing is clearly defined and easy to find on the record.”
- LOCSU News
Is HERE, including LOCSU Seeks New Board Members, Open Letter Sent to NHS Over Commissioning of Special Needs Eye Care Service and a CPD webinar, “Assessing The Red Eye in Optometric Practice” on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 6.30pm - FODO News
Is HERE, including their name change, College seeks IP-qualified optometrist to join CMG review group and The Macular Society is calling on parliament to abolish VAT on audiobooks. Their update from 24th February is HERE, including Clinical Council raises concerns about the Special School Eye Care Service, Healthwatch England warns of GP ‘referrals black hole’ and RNIB aims to use data and analytics capabilities to provide better services and support to blind and visually impaired people.
Kind regards
Herts LOC
Hertfordshire LOC Latest News
Applications to Join Herts LOC
Hi all Applications invited for Local NHS Contractors and Performers to join Hertfordshire Local Optical Committee Herts LOC always like to welcome new members to increase the diversity of experience, backgrounds and opinions amongst our cohort. The LOC meets quarterly, along with an annual AGM. At these meetings we discuss a wide variety of topics which …
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12 February 2025
GOS Pitfalls, Watford waiting times, FODO News
We have 3 items for you today: NHSBSA: Common Pitfalls with GOS Claiming NHSBSA recently ran a webinar, “Common Pitfalls with GOS Claiming”, around how to ensure GOS claims are accurate and avoiding PPV issues. Their key takeaways were: • Note the condition and age of patient’s spectacles. • Focimeter spectacles and avoid just copying the previous …
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12 February 2025
GOS Claims held process, FODO News and Merry Chirstmas!
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12 February 2025
Cat Waiting Times, CHEC contact number, LOCSU and FODO News
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12 February 2025
Additional Early Recall Codes For GOS
Hi all Please find below an email from NHS England outlining additional early recall codes for certain situations. Apologies for any issues with the layout. Kind regards Herts LOC , Dear colleague I am writing to you to provide an update on an interim PCSE system change which will be introduced overnight on 28/29 …
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12 February 2025
Referrals, Vacancy, CPD, FODO News
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12 February 2025
Waiting times for Lister and Watford, Translation Service, CHEC Hours, LOCSU and FODO News
We have 5 items for you today: Waiting times for ENH Trust (Lister) and WHH Trust (Watford) Please find below the waiting times for NHS patients at the 2 Acute Trusts in Herts. We are hoping that this will become a regular update and will include other providers in due course, with thanks to the Trusts and …
12 February 2025
Tell us your problems, CPD, FODO News
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4 September 2024
Tell us your problems!
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24 July 2024
Sight Loss Support Survey, CPD Claims, CPD Webinar, Hypertension Pilot, LOCSU and FODO News
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24 July 2024