
Minutes of previous Annual General Meetings of Hertfordshire Local Optical Committee may be found at the bottom of this page.

Herts LOC AGM 2024

The Herts LOC AGM, was held on March 18th 2024, by Zoom. Minutes will be available once approved at the next meeting.

Herts LOC AGM 2023

The Herts LOC AGM was held via a virtual platform, Zoom, on Tuesday 28th March 2023 at 7:30pm. The minutes are available HERE.

Herts LOC AGM 2022

The Herts LOC AGM was held via a virtual platform, Zoom, on Monday 21st March 2022 at 7:30pm. The minutes can be found at the bottom of this page.

We have all been facing very difficult circumstances and challenging times. Part of our role here at the Herts LOC is to disseminate information to all local contractors and performers so you are able to understand and comply with your duties, to stay up to date with the latest information and to provide support. We endeavour to continue to keep you up to date via email and our website.

Our committee has a diverse range of experience and we all work together to support you. A large number of you have been in touch with us, now more than ever, with lots of questions and we will always answer or point you in the right direction. Please don’t forget we are here to support you as practitioners and we do want to hear from you about any optometric concerns or views you may have going forward as we look to a future beyond this pandemic.

After a successful “virtual” AGM last year, with a record number of attendees, we held our AGM on Zoom again.

As part of the AGM, elections were held to fill the four vacancies on the committee, chosen from four excellent new applications and two existing committee members who were facing re-election as part of our constitutional democratic process. I am pleased to announce the successful candidates were Ash Patel and Nisha Shah, who we warmly welcome to the committee, and the existing nominees, Hansil Shah and Peter Chapman, were also returned to the committee. We thank all applicants and observers for their interest in the LOC.

Should you have any questions about the AGM, or the LOC, you are welcome to contact us at

AGM 2021

The minutes of the 2021 AGM can be found HERE.

Hertfordshire LOC held its AGM on Monday 22nd March, via Zoom. As well as the current Committee members and Officers, there were also nine observers. 
We had four excellent candidates apply for the one vacancy we had on the LOC. The election of the new member took place during the meeting, with the observers being able to vote as well as the committee. The successful applicant was Deepali Modha, who we would like to both congratulate and extend a warm welcome to.
The number of people signed up to the LOC mailing list has almost doubled during the Covid pandemic from just over 200 on the list to currently over 400. We will continue to keep you all informed and updated in these unprecedented times.
We are working on a more modern, easier to navigate website and will be taking the opportunity to tidy and improve our mailing list data. In the coming weeks, we will be asking you to fill in a form with all your details, which will enable us to communicate more effectively. Thank you, in advance, for your help with this.
Should you have any questions about the AGM, or the LOC, you are welcome to contact us at

Minutes of Previous AGMs










Supporting Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians throughout Hertfordshire.