
Welcome to the Liverpool Local Optical Committee website

Liverpool LOC

Welcome to Liverpool LOC

A vibrant and active LOC. Passionately and actively representing our community practitioners

Please join our mailing list by using the link below.

Our next meeting:

AGM Thursday 20th June 2024.

See our events page for more information.

Liverpool LOC Latest News

AGM 2022 Report

AGM 29th June 2022, 6:00PM Held at Novotel, Hanover Street Liverpool Chairs address :-NHS reforms taking pace now with conversion to ICT’s. Engagement is key to keeping informed and up to date with changes. Opera and e-referrals give us raw data to show case our work across a larger footprint. Good success with post cataract …

1 August 2022

More Liverpool LOC News >

LOCSU Latest News

GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face.

1 July 2024

LOCSU Hosts Popular Time Management Bitesize Training Course

This month, LOCSU hosted two ‘Time Mastery: Seeing Clearly Through Efficient Time Management’ training sessions, as part of our series of bitesize training sessions.

28 June 2024

More LOCSU News >

Our next meeting:

AGM Thursday 20th June 2024.

See our events page for more information.


LOCSU supports Local Optical Committees (LOCs) across a range of activities including commissioning guidance, policy development, governance and compliance support, education and communications. Visit or signup to the LOCSU newsletter

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