

Inner South West London LOC Membership


The Committee has a mixture of elected and co-opted members from amongst Optometrist  and  Dispensing Optician LOC members.

Elections for committee members were held at our AGM on June 19th 2024, ten members being elected. The elected members serve 3 years and 1/3 of committee places are elected each year.

The current committee Officers were appointed to their posts at our recent LOC meeting on June 10th 2024, and are listed below:


Chair – Eyall Gelbart

Vice Chair –  Henna Ali

Vice Chair – Paul Bhalla

Treasurer – Rose Brand

Lay Secretary – Mark Richardson


Committee Members

Elected at the AGM elections on June 19th 2024:

Daksha Patel

Jack New


Natasha Beckwood

Rachel Robinson

Roop Maini

Sana Asif

Sandip patel

Shanel saini




Our next LOC meeting:

March 6th,  2025 – 6:30pm,

William Morris House, Wimbledon.

Our next LOC meeting:

March 6th,  2025 – 6:30pm,

William Morris House, Wimbledon.