
Services Across Merton, Sutton, Wandsworth, Kingston and Richmond

Pathway for patients with a GP in Merton, Sutton,  Wandsworth Kingston and Richmond:


This  is a FREE NHS service for people of all ages (children under 16 years must be accompanied at their appointment by an adult).

Minor eye conditions that can be seen under the service include:

  • Red eye or eyelids
  • Dry eye, or gritty and uncomfortable eyes
  • Irritation and inflammation of the eye
  • Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
  • Recently occurring flashes or floaters
  • In-growing eyelashes
  • Recent and sudden loss of vision
  • Foreign body in the eye

Pathways for patients with a GP at Merton, Wandsworth, Kingston and Richmond only:

Pre Cataract Assessment

This scheme is designed to increase the number of patients who choose cataract surgery by discussing pros and cons of the surgery as well as possible complications during and following the surgery. The patient will be given Cataract Surgery Shared Decision Making Aid to ensure that the patient is fully aware regarding other options other than surgery and the patient elects to have the cataract operation.

Pathways for patients with a GP at Merton and Wandsworth only:

Repeat IOP

This scheme is designed to reduce the number of referrals to the Hospital Eye Service of patients with IOP>23mmHg with non-contact tonometer with no other signs of glaucoma (i.e. the optic discs, visual fields and the angles of anterior chambers are all normal).

Single Point of Access Service

This service provides electronic referrals for patients with a GP at Merton and Wandsworth only. The optometrist is advised to use the GOS 18 module on OPERA to refer the patient to the Single point of access service where the referral will be triaged.

Paediatric anomalous/raised optic disc

Moorfields South have introduced a new referral pathway for children (age between 0-17 years of age) with blurry optic disc margins with no other red flags. This pathway is for children with GPs in Merton, Wandsworth and Croydon only. Moorfields would like practitioners to use the enclosed referral form or complete all the information required in the enclosed form using any other referral letter.

The referral should be emailed directly to