
Welcome to the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear LOC website

Northumberland Tyne and Wear Local Optical Committee

The Northumberland, Tyne & Wear LOC is the official organisation representing optometrists and opticians in our area. It was formed in January 2015 by the amalgamation of North of Tyne and South Tyne & Wear LOCs. The main role of the LOC is to work with local NHS commissioners to make community eye care services accessible to patients and cost-effective for the NHS.

Our website aims to provide eye care practitioners, other health care professionals and the public with information about all aspects of eye care provision available within Northumberland, Tyneside, and Sunderland.

Please explore the rest of our site by clicking on the tabs and dropdown menus.

Our next meeting

Our next committee meeting held virtually on 14th May 2024 at 6:30pm.

Northumberland, Tyne and Wear LOC Latest News

Dementia UK online training

Dementia UK is excited to host its free annual Summer School, with the aim of improving practice in and knowledge of dementia care. We invite all health and social care practitioners, including students, volunteer sector and allied professionals with an interest in improving care and support for families living with dementia. Please see link below …

4 June 2024

Glaucoma Monitoring Service (North of Tyne & Gateshead) – Drop in Q&A Session with PES via Teams

Wednesday 12 June We are now very close to patients being discharged by NuTH into the Glaucoma Monitoring Service. We are just finalising the training with NuTH staff, and a go live date will be given shortly. Attached is an information pack around the service which should answer most of your questions. However, to enable …

2 June 2024

PMS provider testing for eGOS claim query improvements

Dear Colleague, We will be making improvements to an eGOS claim query XML on 21 June. This will include the patient name, date of birth and postcode in the eGOS claim status XML for eGOS and will allow contractors to align payments with the patient’s details. We invite PMS providers to test the planned changes in the PCSE Online …

24 May 2024

More Northumberland, Tyne and Wear LOC News >

LOCSU Latest News

GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face.

1 July 2024

LOCSU Hosts Popular Time Management Bitesize Training Course

This month, LOCSU hosted two ‘Time Mastery: Seeing Clearly Through Efficient Time Management’ training sessions, as part of our series of bitesize training sessions.

28 June 2024

More LOCSU News >

Our next meeting

Our next committee meeting held virtually on 14th May 2024 at 6:30pm.


LOCSU supports Local Optical Committees (LOCs) across a range of activities including commissioning guidance, policy development, governance and compliance support, education and communications. Visit or signup to the LOCSU newsletter

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