Tel – Lancashire County Council on 0300 123 6720 (24hrs a day)
Adult Safeguarding
Children’s safeguarding
The Optical Confederation has guidance on safeguarding which can be found here
Primary Eyecare Policy
Safeguarding in your area
Here you can find all the information on safeguarding protocols and contact details for your area. Please click on the required link below:
Online training packages
Online training packages for both children and adults are available from DOCET for free to all practitioners by using their GOC number.
Female Genital Mutilation
The Department of Health has introduced a duty for all healthcare professionals to report any case of female genital mutilation in girls (FGM) under the age of 18 to the police.
FGM is considered as child abuse, and is illegal under UK law. Healthcare professionals now have a legal duty to report any cases they may suspect or be made aware of. One scenario in which FGM could come to the attention of an optometrust/dispensing optician is if a child tells them that it has happened to them.
Full guidance, posters and other resources can be found on the GOC website at:, or on the Department’s website, where you can also find a video guide:
The East Lancashire LOC supports the principles of the NHS’s ‘Speaking up Charter’. To see our policy on Whistleblowing please click here