
If practices have an issue with an NHS mail address, they are sometimes being directed by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) to LOCs, but these are not issues LOCs can resolve.

The NHSBSA has apologised for the confusion and provided new contact details for NHS mail issues. Administration of NHS mail accounts can only be done by the National Administration Service (NAS)

NHSmail (NAS)
By adhering to the DSPT standards on an annual basis you will
be able to access the NAS* NHSmail secure email system
You will require your ODS code which may be found here:

The Fast Track process has now ceased. In order to apply for NHSmail
accounts for the first time you must complete and submit your annual
DSPT assessment and then apply via your web browser using:
All optometry practices will be set up with a shared mailbox.
This mailbox is separate to your personal mailbox and can be
accessed by multiple members of staff. All staff who have access to
the shared mailbox can send emails ‘ on behalf’ of the mailbox.
The shared mailbox does not have a password – it is opened through
your individual NHSmail account – up to 10 users per site as a

NAS Helpdesk
Call: 0333 200 1133
Escalation email:

Data Security & Protection Toolkit.    Online self-assessment
By adhering to the DSPT standards on an annual basis you will be able to:
Demonstrate you meet legal, mandated requirements including; The Data
Protection Act, GDPR and the 10 National Data Guardian standards.
Review policies and procedures, access ‘the breach reporting tool’ and bespoke
best practice solutions to enable compliance with mandated cyber security and
data protection standards.
Reassure service users, healthcare staff, colleagues, the ICO, and Hospital
Trusts you are managing information securely and legally using the DSPT online
Access key digital products and services including Electronic Eyecare Referral
Systems in England (EeRS) and NHSmail.
Strengthen your organisation’s cyber defenses through software adoption,
continuity planning and incident planning.
Safeguard your organisation against the risks associated with cyber-attacks
including; service disruption, ransom payments, reputational damage and legal
Please note: functionality is limited through Quality in Optometry. Registration directly via is recommended for submissions.

Requesting an Egress account

Both NHS England and NHSBSA are aware that some contractors and locum clinicians have been struggling to set up new NHS mail accounts via the Fast Track Process and that this is causing significant issues at the practice level, particularly in sending referral letters to GPs and Secondary Care.

In order to alleviate this acute issue of referrals, NHSBSA is able to send ‘Egress’ invitation emails to any Locum Clinician and GOS Contractors that are unable to obtain an NHS mail account. These ‘Egress’ invitation emails will enable each recipient to set up an ‘Egress’ account using their current non-NHS email address and allow them to send documents and emails securely to NHS mail recipients. It is free of charge and can be set up with very little effort by the end-user once an invitation email is received. Whilst an NHS mail account would certainly allow more versatility and is the preferred option, we are hopeful that ‘Egress’ users will be able to send referral letters, which GPs and Secondary Care can receive securely as they would do via NHS mail.

To request an ‘Egress’ invitation email, each user should complete the following online form( and they should receive an invitation within a week.

From 1 December 2022 if an NHS mail account has not been used for 30 days it will be marked as inactive and deleted after a further 30 days. Deleted accounts can be restored for up to 30 days after that but will then be permanently deleted and you will have to apply again for a new NHS mail account.

To keep an account active you will need to ensure you carry out one of the following at least every 30 days.

  • Log into the NHSmail portal
  • Log into O365 application
  • Use O365 applications (ie Outlook with cached credentials)
  • Send an email

The committee is advising that a pragmatic way to ensure your email stays active is to use Outlook to check your emails regularly which will prevent your account being deactivated.