
About Walsall LOC

Representing Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians in Walsall

Walsall LOC is the organisation representing all local Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians who provide services through General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) in Walsall. Our function is to liaise with NHS England, local area teams and CCG’s on matters relating to eye care. We also organise CPD events and peer discussion events for optical professionals.

Walsall LOC have good relationships with Public Health Walsall and the Local Medical Committee and are constantly working towards new initiatives. We are also associated with other LOC’s and form part of the Regional Optical Committee (ROC).

LOC meetings take place around 5 times a year. All contractors and performers are welcome to attend these meetings and we strongly encourage contractors and performers in the Walsall area to bring any concerns to our attention.